Saturday, September 15, 2012


SERIES -- When I started STRINGER I intended to develop a trilogy that would focus on the changing lifestyles of the key group of characters and their encounters with each other, with crime and violence and intrigue, with efforts at reportage and social justice, and to challenge stereotypes. Now, after the following novels - TILT, TURNED LOOSE and STRINGER - I find I want to keep working with the characters. So I'm planning a fourth novel using the theme DISPLACED. I also need a series theme name, too, so I'm pondering that.

DISPLACED may start something like this:
Helen Rice awoke startled and sat up. "Oh!" she cried.
"What is the matter?" Anna Pietersen asked, alarmed, roused from her sleep.
"I just felt how deeply I'm grieving," Rice said."The intensity of it. Not only me, you are, we all are."

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